Webhook Prerequisites

A Discord webhook is a good way to get status updates right inside of Discord, the minute we know about changes.
The link at the bottom of the page will take you to an OAuth authorization page, which will create a webhook and give the information to us.
We do not accept previously create webhooks, this OAuth flow must be followed.

Don't trust me? That's fine, I wouldn't trust an online stranger either.
You can view the code for this site here.
The code for handling setting up webhooks is specifically in TODO.

There's a hard limit of one webhook per channel, and 5 webhooks per server.
The latter may be negotiable, contact Donovan_DMC if needs be.
To disable a status check, simply delete the webhook.
The webhook will be marked as "managed" by us, so it serves no other use.

Some other miscellaneous information.
Webhook details are not stored in an encrypted format, but the database they are in is disconnected from the internet.
The OAuth authorization does not add a bot or application to your server, just the webhook.
You can view an example of some status updates here.
Updates are posted as soon as we know about them currently. In the future, updates may be delayed to avoid spam.

With all of that out of the way, the buttons.

The minimal button will only authorize the webhook.
The other button will authorize both the webhook and your user info (which is optional).
If authorized, the id of the user who created the webhook will be stored on our servers alongside the webhook information.
This is purely for informational purposes.